Aged Care Volunteer Visitor - Strathalbyn Would you like to be a friendly face to an older person?
The role By volunteering as an ACVVS Volunteer Visitor, you would be offering an invaluable service to lonely and socially isolated older people living in Residential Aged Care Facilities. Your kind words and companionship will help maintain and even increase well-being in those you visit! Apply today for this rewarding volunteer opportunity befriending an older person in the Strathalbyn area.
Need to know Date End date: TBD
Skills Aged Care
Support Services: Counselling, Psychology, Social Support
To actively build vibrant communities by providing support, training, and services related to volunteering in Southern Adelaide and the Fleurieu.
Southern Volunteering (SA) Inc is the Volunteer Resource Centre for South Adelaide, the Fleurieu Peninsula, and Kangaroo Island.