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Customer Service - Accounts Administration Melbourne - Northern Suburbs

Job Posted 3/8/2025
Not Specified, Melbourne
Category Administrative
Job Description

Please complete to Apply for Customer Service - Accounts Administration Full Time Melbourne - Northern Suburbs

Application Details

Apply using a Social Network: Seek

It's OK to SMS me about this Application

Alternative Number Optional :


Date of Birth: I prefer not to say

Gender: Male Female Other I prefer not to say

Covering Letter and Resume

Please either Attach or Copy & Paste or Link To a combined Covering Letter and Resume

Allowed File Types

doc, docx, htm, html, mdi, pub, pdf, wps, txt Max Size 2.0Mb

Salary Expectations

Please indicate your Salary Expectations per Year in Dollars excluding Superannuation

$ per

Recent Work Experience

Please tell us about your Recent Work - list all your Jobs in the past 3 years or list your last 3 Jobs

I'm new to the workforce



Job Title:

From: To:

Main Reason for Leaving:

I can provide a Referee from this Employer who will attest to my skills and attributes

Education and Qualifications

Please tell us about your Education - list your Education and Qualifications

Pre-Interview Questions

Now please answer these questions before sending your application

At a telephone interview, will you be able to briefly outline your current role and responsibilities and why you are seeking a new position? Yes No

At interview, will you be able to impress us with your personality, personal presentation and grooming? Yes No

Will your referees confirm that you are a "team player"? Yes No

Will your referees confirm that you have maintained progressive and successful relationships with your work team? Yes No

Will your referees confirm that you have experience in developing good customer relationships? Yes No

Will your referees confirm that you are a person that is punctual and can be relied upon? Yes No

Will your referees confirm that you are a self-starter, confident and outgoing? Yes No

Will your referees describe you as being a person who is self-motivated? Yes No

Will your referees confirm that you have a strong Customer Service ethic? Yes No

Will your referees confirm that you have experience with freight handling and logistics? Yes No

At interview, will you be able to demonstrate your proficiency with Microsoft Office Suite? Yes No

Will your referees confirm that you have experience with QuickBooks? Yes No

Do you hold office administration qualifications? Yes No

Will your referees confirm that you have at least 2 years' experience in administration? Yes No

At interview, will you be able to describe specific examples of where you have performed outstanding customer service? Yes No

Will your referees confirm that you have significant experience in small business office administration? Yes No

Will your referees confirm that you have at least 2 years' Customer Service experience? Yes No

Will your referees confirm that you have at least 1 year's export / import documentation experience? Yes No

If successful, would you be willing and available to start ASAP? Yes No

Are you willing and available to undertake a Police Clearance check, if required? Yes No

Our workplace is a smoke-free zone. Are you aware of any personal needs that would require you to take frequent breaks away from your work desk/area? Yes No

Are you legally entitled to live and work in Australia? Yes No

I hereby confirm that all my responses to the above screening questions are true and correct. I understand that any false information, could lead to the termination of my application, or in the future, the termination of my employment. Yes No

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