Please complete to Apply for English Teacher - 0.8 FTE Part Time Commencing Term 2, 2025 / Contract
Application Instructions Apply using a Social Network: Facebook Seek
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Covering Letter and Resume Please either Attach or Copy & Paste or Link To a combined Covering Letter and Resume.
Allowed File Types Allowed File Types: doc, docx, htm, html, mdi, pub, pdf, wps, txt Max Size 2.0Mb
Salary Expectations Please indicate your Salary Expectations per Year in Dollars excluding Superannuation
Please check the Job Advertisement for any other package details.
Recent Work Experience Please tell us about your Recent Work - list all your Jobs in the past 2 years or list your last 2 Jobs.
Education and Qualifications Please tell us about your Education - list your Education and Qualifications.
Pre-Application Questions Now please answer these questions before sending your application
Please be relaxed every Application is received by St Andrew's Cathedral School, however you answer.
- I have attached my eTAMS Teacher Accreditation Summary Report to my cover letter, application, along with transcripts of academic and teaching qualifications. Yes No
- Have you ever applied for a job at St Andrew's Cathedral School before? Yes No
- Have you ever worked at St Andrew's Cathedral School before? Yes No
- Do you have the right to live and work in Australia (e.g. permanent resident, work visa etc.)? Yes No
- Do you consent to us checking your 'right to work' status with the Department of Immigration and Citizenship? Yes No
- Our workplace is a smoke free zone. Are you aware of any personal needs that would require you to take frequent breaks away from your work desk/area? Yes No
- St Andrew's is a Christian School. Will your referees confirm that you support promoting and modelling Christian values? Yes No
- Will your referees confirm that you model exemplary behaviour reflective of the values and ethos of the School? Yes No
- Will your referees confirm that you demonstrate highly effective pedagogical and classroom management skills? Yes No
- Will your referees confirm that you contribute to the development of a positive culture in the classroom/workplace? Yes No
- Will your referees confirm that you are alert to and immediately challenge instances of harassment, prejudice and inequity? Yes No
- At interview, if you have not already provided all the documents for question 1, will you be able to produce original copies of transcripts of academic and teaching qualifications and accreditation claimed in your Resume? Yes No
- At interview, will you be able to demonstrate a good command of English, in both spoken and written forms? Yes No
- Are there any concerns with you being able to satisfy child protection screening? If yes, please provide details in your cover letter. Yes No
- At interview will you be able to produce your Working With Children Clearance Number? If no, please provide details in your cover letter. Yes No
- At interview, will you be able to produce a Covid-19 vaccination certificate? If no, please give details in your cover letter. Yes No
- At interview, will you be able to demonstrate current membership of relevant professional bodies or institutions? Yes No
- At interview, will you be able to demonstrate regular attendance and participation at a Christian Church of any denomination? Yes No
- Do you hold a current First Aid Certificate? Yes No
- Are you currently employed? Yes No
- May we contact your present employer? Yes No
- Have you ever been charged with or convicted of any criminal offence? (not including minor traffic offences but including drink driving offences, driving under the influence, driving in a dangerous manner and/or other similar offences). If yes, please provide details in your cover letter. Yes No
- So far as you are aware, have you ever been the subject of any investigation by police, department of community services, or any other proper authority? If yes, please provide details in your cover letter. Yes No
- Have you ever been subjected to a formal or informal performance management process? Yes No
- Have you ever been formally or informally disciplined due to poor conduct or behaviour in the workplace? Yes No
I hereby declare that the information I have provided in this form is true in all respects. I understand that St Andrew's Cathedral School may make such enquiries as are necessary to verify my qualifications, employment history and character and authorise St Andrew's Cathedral School to make such enquiries as are considered necessary. Yes No
Privacy: Your details go only to St Andrew's Cathedral School nowhere else.