Applications close Sunday 16 March 2025 at 11.59PM
Overview Work type: Full time Salary: Salary not specified Grade: Learning Specialist Range 3 Occupation: Education and Training Location: Eastern Metropolitan Reference: Location Profile Canterbury Primary School is a passionate learning community that inspires, challenges and supports all students to achieve their personal best and make a positive contribution to the world in which they live. The school has a strong student-centred learning approach with an emphasis on student voice, agency and leadership. We aim to engage students through authentic, relevant, and contextualised learning experiences. Students from Prep to Year 6 have a say in what they learn, how they learn and how they will be assessed. Teachers are skilled in planning learning experiences that engage students through their own interests, while still addressing student needs, skills, dispositions and relevant curriculum standards.
The values of respect, responsibility, integrity and resilience guide the decisions and behaviours of all members of our school community, and our learner dispositions (curiosity, creativity, self-efficacy, self-regulation, resilience and collaboration), provide all community members with a shared language of learning, outlining the characteristics or attitudes that we aim to foster in all learners.
The school has a student population of approximately 640 and is located in the leafy eastern suburbs approximately nine kilometres from the Melbourne CBD.
The school has a highly collaborative team culture with teaching teams in four distinct Learning Centres: Discovery (Prep), Creativity (Years 1 & 2), Innovation (Years 3 & 4) and Leadership (Years 5 & 6). Learning communities are created in each centre with students and teachers working and learning together.
Specialist programs are offered in Performing Arts, Visual Arts, Physical Education and Chinese Mandarin language. Students also engage in lessons held in our Makerspace, Kitchen Garden and Library.
Canterbury Primary School is committed to developing effective partnerships between staff, students, parents and community groups. Parental involvement in the school is high and creates a strong sense of community.
Transition programs are well established with local pre-school and government secondary schools. Students are involved in a series of activities throughout the year to ensure a smooth transition the following year.
Victorian government schools are child safe environments. Canterbury Primary School's Child Safety Statement of Commitment and Code of Conduct can be found on the School's website.
Selection Criteria SC1: Demonstrated expert knowledge of the relevant curriculum. Demonstrated ability to model exemplary teaching practice, including the teaching of literacy and numeracy skills across the curriculum, and implement school priorities.
SC2: Demonstrated expertise in the implementation and modelling of high impact teaching strategies that respond to student learning needs. Demonstrated ability to support teachers to evaluate the impact of learning and teaching programs on student learning growth.
SC3: Demonstrated exemplary ability to model the monitoring and assessment of student learning. Demonstrated ability to support others in using data to inform teaching practice and to provide feedback on student learning growth and achievement to students and parents.
SC4: Demonstrated exemplary interpersonal and communication skills. Demonstrated ability to engage in collaborative relationships with students, colleagues, parents and the broader school community to support student learning, agency, wellbeing and engagement.
SC5: Demonstrated ability to model behaviours and attitudes consistent with Department values. Demonstrated ability to support others to reflect on their practice and facilitate school-based professional learning.
Role Learning Specialists will be highly skilled classroom practitioners who continue to spend the majority of their time in the classroom delivering high-quality teaching and learning and have a range of responsibilities related to their expertise, including teaching demonstration lessons, observing and providing feedback to other teachers and facilitating school-based professional learning. Learning Specialists are expected to have deep knowledge and expertise in high quality teaching and learning in delivering improved achievement, engagement and wellbeing for students.
The role of the Learning Specialist will be to model excellence in teaching and learning through demonstration lessons and mentoring and coaching teachers in improving the skill, knowledge and effectiveness of the teaching workforce.
Responsibilities In recognition of the importance of exemplary practice for improved student learning outcomes, the key roles of the Learning Specialists may include but are not limited to:
- Demonstrating high-level expertise in teaching and learning practice
- Modelling exemplary classroom practice including through teaching demonstration lessons
- Working with the school leadership team to develop a shared view of highly effective teacher practice
- Leading and modelling the implementation of whole-school improvement strategies related to curriculum planning and delivery
- Playing a key role in the provision of professional learning, including through developing processes and protocols for observation and feedback of teacher practice and peer collaboration
- Modelling effective learning practice and supporting teachers to seek, analyse and act on feedback and on their practice
- Providing evidence-based feedback to teaching staff to inform their effectiveness and development
- Providing expert advice about the context, processes and strategies that will shape individual and school professional learning
- Supervising and training one or more student teachers and mentoring and/or coaching teachers
- Modelling exemplary use of student data to inform teaching approaches
- Developing and promoting school-wide professional learning structures, processes and protocols through Professional Learning Communities
- Modelling exemplary professional learning practice included through seeking feedback from other teachers and leaders on their own classroom practice as part of critical reflection and inquiry to improve practice
Who May Apply Teachers currently registered or eligible for registration with the Victorian Institute of Teaching and qualified to teach and/or have demonstrated experience in the curriculum area(s) specified for the position.
Conditions of Employment - All staff employed by the Department and schools have access to a broad range of employment conditions and working arrangements.
- Appointment of successful applicants will be made subject to a satisfactory pre-employment conditions check.
- A probationary period may apply during the first year of employment and induction and support programs provided.
Please ensure that your application includes:
- A resume including relevant experience as well as personal details (name, address and contact numbers, business and home)
- A section addressing the selection criteria and the requirements for application under the Who May Apply section
- Names and contact numbers (telephone and email if possible) of two referees who are able to attest to the claims made in your application.
Please note that the selection panel may seek additional referees beyond those you name. Consistent with policy, we shall advise you if we will take this action.
Child Safe Standards Victorian government schools are child safe environments. Our schools actively promote the safety and wellbeing of all students, and all school staff are committed to protecting students from abuse or harm in the school environment, in accordance with their legal obligations including child safe standards.
All schools have a Child Safety Code of Conduct consistent with the department's exemplar available at:
The department's employees commit to upholding the department's Values: Responsiveness, Integrity, Impartiality, Accountability, Respect, Leadership and Human Rights. The department's Values complement each school's own values and underpin the behaviours the community expects of Victorian public sector employees, including those who work in Victorian Government Schools. Information on the department values is available at:
Applications close Sunday 16 March 2025 at 11.59PM