Vacancy for Principal Digital Preservation Advisor at Queensland State Archives Salary: $118,197 - $126,566
Type: Fixed Term
We are looking for a Principal Digital Preservation Advisor to join the Digital Archives team in this exciting and rewarding role. This role will be a part of a small team at QSA and will work with a range of internal and external stakeholders to support QSA on its journey to implement digital preservation for the Queensland Government.
In this role you will:
- Provide expert advice and guidance about digital archiving and preservation to QSA and Queensland Government agencies.
- Lead the development and implementation of digital preservation policies, standards, procedures, and training material for QSA and Queensland Government agencies.
- Maintain oversight of the QSA data model and monitor compliance of the digital preservation system.
- Establish and maintain positive relationships with Queensland Government agencies, including encouraging and facilitating the transfer of born-digital records from Queensland Government agencies to QSA.
- Work collaboratively with external digital preservation practitioners including the Digital Preservation Coalition to progress digital preservation on a national and international platform.
- Undertake data analysis and preparation of reports, submissions, and presentations for a variety of stakeholders.